Applying for Medicare Insurance: The Basic Process

With the help of R&R Insurance Group LLC, you can get high-quality Medicare insurance in and around Quakertown, PA, that makes sense for your needs. Applying for this protection is relatively simple and is something you need to do as you reach retirement age.

Automatic Enrollment 

People who receive Social Security retirement between ages 62 and up to four months before they turn 65 automatically get enrolled in Medicare Part A and Part B when they reach 65. That helps streamline the process and ensure that you get the help that you need to stay healthy. 

However, if you apply for Social Security three months before you turn 65 or later, you don’t automatically get Medicare Part A and Part B. Instead, you need to contact a local insurance agent, find an enrollment paper, and turn it in with your Social Security application. 

Don’t Miss the Enrollment Period 

Note that the Initial Enrollment Period for Medicare starts three months before you turn 65 and lasts until three months after the month you turn 65. So, if you turn 65 on May 4, you can start applying on February 4 and must apply by August 4 to qualify. Otherwise, you have to pay a penalty. 

This penalty isn’t necessarily expensive but is easy to avoid if you apply within this period. You can apply online or in person, depending on your preference. The online application streamlines the process and ensures that you don’t have to do difficult or confusing paperwork. 

Get the Help That You Need

At R&R Insurance Group LLC, our team can help Quakertown, PA, residents get Medicare insurance. We’re here to help you understand your coverage and to provide the unique support that you need. By working with us, you ensure that you get Medicare that makes sense for you.